Bodies and cartograpy
the body
My body and sound
The video is a visual experiment that I had prepared for the moving image course. It seemed interesting to me to look at different combinations of audio and visual. It is a restless sound but also has a core of tranquility.

A few days ago while I was getting changed I suddenly saw this big dark bruise. When I saw him I was very shocked, also because I did not know what had happened. Could I have bumped into something on a night where I had too much to drink or was sober? Did I lose control at some point that caused someone or something to do this? All worst case scenarios went through my head, but also a reminder to be more aware of my body.

When I look at my face up close, I always get a little insecure because my pores are a bit bigger and therefore more visible to the other person. The past few weeks have also not helped my skin, because of stress and little sleep I get pimples faster. Next week I have my period and the week before this is often visible on my skin.

I have always found my mother's hands very beautiful because of the shape but also the (beginning) wrinkles. Our hands are very similar so I know I will get hands like that later. I take care of them a lot with hand cream, but sometimes I doubt whether that is really good, or that they are addicted to it.

Sometimes I take a good look at my body and realize how crazy it really is that everything is connected. It makes sense but not something I often think about. In the video you can see the inside of my wrist as I move my fingers. And as I watch the video again, I think about how fascinating it is that my brain sends out signals that cause my hand to make this movement.